Monday, August 14, 2006

Moods are Stupid

I will chalk it up to the unfathomable incomprehensibility of the human mind and ego. One day you are walking on air, the next day sunk into depression. What gives? Nothing happened between now and then, I just woke up that way.

What was God thinking when he designed and imagined the rat's nest of synaptic cross links and ooey gooey gray matter we call our minds?

How can I be expected to find him through gnosis if I can't even master my own moods? Or is that the point?



1 comment:

Joe Daher said...


You are not your moods any more than you are your body.

The self is what matters. All else is a recepticle for information. A "mood" is just the outward reaction to the intake of information.

Try this: smile.

It'll change your mood. Promise. ;-)