Friday, September 08, 2006

I Had a Dream Once

I dreamt of a life
I once had
I knew joy, tasted love
I felt pain, betrayal was mine
I knew contentment, breathed potential
I caused disfunction, felt loss
Bitterness with sweetness
Stormy sky full of gentle whispers
Promising, always promising
For tomorrow

It was all things
It was mine

I had a dream once
Soft yellow flowers
Fragrant on a summer day
Smelled of a child's hair, bright as her laughter
Cool breeze soft against my cheek
Falling leaves, bright against the sky
Rustling, full of hidden secrets
Whiteness and rainy days
Idle and content, slumbering waiting soon to be a memory
Buds and birdsong, renewal and rebirth
Promises fulfilled as Nature takes her turn

I saw a tree
Felt its strength, drank of its wisdom
I knew peace and drifted in its placid permanence
Rooted firmly in the earth
Branches reaching towards the light
A connection
But real
Oh so real

I had a dream once
I saw the face of my father
It was light and it was blinding
Love was his gift, patience was his demand
I knew my mother
She was darkness and it was silence
Patience was her gift, wisdom was her nature

I had a dream once
Knowledge was there
Out of reach, then close
Soft as a feather
Fluttering with the breath of my understanding
One is all
All is whole
A beginning without end
An end that only started

I had a dream once
But I'm almost awake now
And it is more than I can encompass

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